Monday is highly stressful for many people. It is the time when people return to work or school after the weekend. If the weekend was long, such as a three day weekend because of a holiday, it can be more stressful than the average end to the weekend.
According to researchers, Monday mornings are so depressing that, on average, we don't crack our first smile until 11:16 a.m.Don't worry, we are here to help you feel relaxed after a highly stressful Monday by listing out five amazing tracks specially for you.Have a listen and please follow the order for a better feel.

1.Dil Patting Sa by Lucky Ali
Courtesy: Last Cigarette
2 Khudi By The Local Train
3.Anjane By Strings
4.Tere Mere Sath by Lucky Ali
5. Sawera by Sifar
I have played a lot of geometry dash games but geometry dash meltdown impressed me the most.