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How Millennial Love and Relationships Are Different!

People, love, and relationships change over time. As life moves forward, it is also essential for love and marriage to evolve as well. That is why relationships often change with the new generation. The millennials want something different in life compared to older generations. With the rise of social media, getting into relationships has become more accessible, and therefore the definition of love has changed with time.

The millennials, also known as Net Generation or Generation Y, closely follow Generation X. They are a very different, tolerant, connected, educated, and visionary generation. Or very egotistic, idle, fair, coddled, mistrustful, and disconnected. However, it's also become more tricky and complicated to maintain a healthy relationship at this age.

Millennial Relationship
Source: Unsplash

Here are some basic rules to keep your relationship smoothly.

1. Remember the First Day You Met

Remembering the day you first met your partner will bring back your fondest memories as a couple! Once you start as a high school, you can have a photoshoot wearing your old high school uniform or re-create a moment in your home dance. You can also visit where you had your first date. So be happy now, and be thankful that you have come a long way in your relationship from the beginning.

2. Learn New Skills Together

You hit two birds with one stone when you learn a new skill together. First, you develop your skills independently and get tied up more often. For example, if you both like sweets, sign up for the baking class. Second, if you do not have enough time for the skills category, buy cheap, empty canvasses and paint portraits for each other. You can squeeze in a little messy paint battle, too.

3. Do Crazy Activities

Do something fun and crazy together! Go skydiving, eat some exotic food, or experience the one-size-fits-all and fun-filled mud baths as a couple. Overcome fears together, as each couple should do.

4. Respect

Every relationship needs some basic things: love, understanding, trust, and friendship, and all of these things take time. Taking too long to respond to your partner can make them feel insecure. On the other hand, giving a quick response even when you are busy can be very helpful in helping each other feel important in each other's lives. And while we all do things we don't like about our partner's happiness, it is okay to say no to something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Learn how to refuse anything that causes personal discomfort. Promise to be friends with each other and give your relationship the time you need to develop trust, love, and understanding.

How Are Millennials So Different Than Other Generations?

Comparing this group to older generations has become much easier now as the youngest group of Millennials have reached adulthood. Other important factors that set this generation apart from older generations are increased self-esteem, tolerance, a sense of belonging, and narcissism. In addition, some of the key features identified for the millennial include specialty, protection, self-reliance, team-oriented, and achievement.

When it comes to marriage, millennials are not in a hurry to tie the knot. According to the United States Census, the average age for a woman to marry is 27 years. On average, men wait up to 29 years to get married. Many of these people postpone marriage and having children until later in life. High school and college people do not prioritize their soul mates. However, when they find that special someone, they want to make sure that it will last forever. A factor that may cause some young people to run away from marriage is worrying about having a position in the family that pays enough to support their family.

Characteristics of the millennial generation

In addition to being the first generation to truly witness the advent of technology like the internet, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, there are a variety of traits that people of Generation Y can have:

1. Open and adaptive to change

Not only are millennials described as adaptive to change, but many also embrace it. Generally, this generation has been one of the most revolutionary in business, technology, and economics. Most seem to realize that these industries are constantly changing and that the working methods in today's field of study need to change. Adapting to the ever-changing environment in which they live allows this generation to thrive and take on different roles.

2. Passion for learning

This generation shows a deep curiosity about the world and offers a desire to continue to develop the skills and knowledge that can help them in their professional lives. Moreover, millennials seem to understand the importance of setting and achieving goals, both for personal growth and their career.

3. Values meaningful motivation

The Millennials value meaningful motivation. It can be seen as inspired by the work of art, sharing their gifts and impacting others and their communities. Often, these intrinsic motivators can be seen in millennial's approaches to their careers. Many are usually found working to help others, inspire, or better a community or a global cause.

Additionally, many millennials aim for goals that offer ways to further their meaningful work rather than monetary gains. While this generation's professional drive often helps them advance in their careers, many seem to do so for reasons other than a salary increase or monetary bonuses.

4. Values teamwork and social interactions in the workplace

This generation also places great importance on performance within the team. Working on projects, solving problems with different points of view, and building new and innovative ways of working in their fields can be a collaborative effort made by millennials while working in a team.

In addition to their teams' productivity and quality results, millennials also aspire to a social atmosphere in the workplace. Qualities such as fun, relaxation, and comfort can describe the millennial concept of a decent and beautiful workplace.

Relationship problems millennial face

1. Oversharing on social media

Some people like to share romantic photos and posts on social media, while others hate it. Therefore, there is always the possibility that couples will fight because of over-sharing on social media. The easiest way to deal with this is to sit down, discuss and decide what or how to share on social media.

2. Phubbing can cause fights between couples.

Phubbing is when a person ignores his partner by constantly sitting on their phone. Believe it or not, some people tend to look at their calls more than their partner on dates. It can make your partner feel ignored. To avoid this, make a phone-free rule for dates.

3. A constant need for attention

These days’ people don't have to wait for days to get a letter. Text can deliver within microseconds. Because people may need constant attention, and this can lead to conflicts. It is essential to give each space and time. And it is crucial to understand when your partner is busy and in need of space for his work.

4. Commitment issues

The Millennials have more problems solving skills than previous generations. However, with so many decisions and misconceptions about perfection, people may have issues with commitment and trust. With this, one has to change the way they see things and work with a strong bond.

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