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8 Ways to Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy During COVID-19

The COVID-19 virus has had a significant impact on our physical and mental well-being. Fitness routines as well as other healthy practices are getting difficult to maintain because of business closures as well as social isolation and low motivation. The disruption of a lot of "pre-COVID" ways of life has put many people in a state of slumber, regardless of whether they are aware of it or not.

To counter this issue, to combat it, our Workforce Health team, made consisting of nutritionists, health coaches, and exercise physiologists have created these guidelines to help you remain physically alert, mentally sharp as well as emotionally connected.

8 Ways to Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy During COVID-19
Source: Unsplash

1. Get Up and Move

Physical activity can more than boost your physical well-being. It releases endorphins which improve your mood and decrease stress. "Exercise enhances the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. It provides you with a positive feeling of having control in an impossible situation," said Duane Milder, Workforce Health coach. Don't let gym closures stop your workouts. There are many sites and fitness applications that can help you create an at-home fitness routine and numerous exercises for strength training are possible using gym equipment. If the whole COVID-19 issue is affecting your motivation to exercise, it's acceptable. Begin with easy activities such as exercising at home or strolling around the neighborhood.

2. Snack Wisely

It's easy to get comfort from potato chips or ice cream, however, too many sweet and fatty snacks can lead to obesity as well as poor health for the mind. Tracey Brand, RD, suggests mixing healthy snacks with unhealthy ones. "Try to make sure fruits and veggies are making their way on your plate at each meal," she advises. "These high-fiber and low-calorie foods have lots of germ-fighting potentials." Try low-fat yogurt, whole-grain crackers with hummus, or any of those other healthy snacks.

3. You'll Need to Plan "You" Time into Your Day

We're focused on looking after others in this time of uncertainty and protecting our family members and friends from COVID-19 and working with colleagues from a remote work environment, observing vulnerable loved ones that we neglect to keep track of ourselves. People who take care of young children, elderly adults, or both could begin to show symptoms of burnout in the caregiver. To prevent this, you should take a minimum of 10 minutes per day to concentrate on your mental health. Write down your thoughts. Meditate. Find a book to relax. Making time for helping yourself can give you the motivation to assist others.

4. Boost Your Immunity With Food

A strong immune system can provide protection against seasonal illnesses and other diseases such as cancer. Although there is nothing better than washing your hands using soap and water some foods can boost your immune system. Citrus fruits (oranges grapefruit, tangerines, and grapefruit) strawberries, oranges, and bell peppers red are brimming with vitamin C. Vitamin C increases the production of antibodies that help you fight infections. Vitamin A helps to fight infections and is present in sweet potatoes, vegetables, spinach, and other food items that are labeled "vitamin A-fortified," like cereal or milk. Protein is another important element for a healthy immune system. Protein sources that are nutritious include lean eggs, poultry, meats, and seafood.

5. Take a Deep Breath

A single deep breath can make a big impact when you're anxious or stressed. Deep breathing exercises reduce blood pressure and calm the mind, while also building your lung. Try this sitting in a relaxed position, with your shoulders at a comfortable level. Shut your eyes when it can help you relax. Breathe slowly through your nose, and then expand your belly. Breathe slowly and slowly for a period of five. Take a break for two seconds and then exhale. Repeat at least two times.

6. Practice Good Posture While Working

If you are struggling with correct posture at work you may find it more difficult to keep it in place when working from home. Making minor adjustments to your workplace will help prevent muscle strain, eye strain as well as mental exhaustion. Set your monitor to ensure that it is the level of your eyes. Relax with your thighs and arms aligned with the floor and your back is supported. Utilize a pillow or folded towel for back support, should you require it. You should have your wrists straight and comfortable when you're in the middle of your keyboard. Your elbows must be free, not locked. Keep your workspace free of clutter. A clean desk means a clean mind.

7. Prepare for a Good Night's Sleep

A consistent sleep schedule can help establish a sense of peace and calm and manage stress levels and help you remain physically and mentally well. "You'll fall asleep faster and get better quality sleep if you stick to a schedule," Milder stated. Try to fall asleep and get up at the same time each day. Make sure to turn off your electronics at least an hour prior to bedtime. The blue lights they produce disrupt melatonin, the hormone that allows you to sleep. Additionally, it gives you an escape from the constant flow of news related to coronavirus.

If you're struggling to fall asleep, you can try taking a herbal tea, taking an icy bath or writing down your thoughts that cause your tossing and turning. Also, you can look up the healthy sleep guide to get more advice from experts to help you sleep better.

8. Remember That You're Not Alone

In a time where we have to maintain our distance from each other and keep our distance from one another, it's vital to remember that we are able to (and should) remain emotionally connected. Chat or call your loved ones, especially those who live on their own. Create a virtual game evening with your buddies. Discover ways to aid your community. We're all part of this and that means that we're not isolated.

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